The Wedding’s Over - Now What?

Congrats, you’re married! Relax, enjoy each other’s company and start sharing your lives. Exciting as it is, this is a chance for both happy moments and potential conflict. That said, here are our tips married life after the wedding:

Revel in the Excitement: First and foremost, remember to enjoy it! There are lots of emotions that surround a wedding, including excitement, joy and stress. Now that things are calming down, take time to reflect on the experience and all of the good times that came with it.

Realize it Might Take Time to Adjust: You both might have different routines, and it can take a while to adjust to your new one as a married couple. You have to remember that neither one is right and neither one is wrong, but you might need to do some adjusting to find what works for both of you.

Talk Things Out: Adjusting to life together requires some honest conversations. Make a commitment to be honest and upfront when things are bothering you and confront problems when they come up. 

Compromise: Compromise is key in a marriage. No matter what you both decide, it’s important to be open to each other’s ideas. Be respectful and considerate. 

Consider Moving Into a New Space: Consider moving into a new, neutral home where you both have the space to make it your own. This is the ultimate fresh start, and gives you both a chance to bring in new things together.

Talk Finances: It may feel awkward, but it’s important to talk about money before merging your lives. If you decide to have a joint account, determine how expenses will be handled and stick to it. Be honest about spending habits and agree on limitations that work with your salary. Discuss how you want to save and how much you want to spend. Consider each other’s bills and how you both can take them on.

It might take some time to adjust, but this is one of the most exciting times of your life. Remember to be honest and loving, and your new home will be a happy one!

This post was shared from NM Wedding Expos.

Stacy Blackwell